Undercarriage Suspension maintenance and repair is the most easy and yet the most difficult to do. Easy if the parts showed obvious wear and tear. It will be the most straightforward diagnosis even for the novice. Most difficult when the parts looked in perfect condition or totally concealed from line of sight. Most of the time, the problem will only surface when the car is in motion but that is when you are unable to put your eye and ear where you want it to be. In Harmony Motor, we learnt to be patient when it comes to this type of job. With our vast experience, most problem are solved within a short period of time with high accuracy of diagnose.
Under-carriage, suspension repair
We employ the following principles:
- Only Genuine Parts will be used. OEM parts will only be used upon client’s request
- Only faulty parts will be put up for client’s approval for replacement
- We use a scale of 1 to 10 to demonstrate the degree of wear. Coupled with an estimate timeline of deterioration for our client’s better understanding. Clients makes the decision with this clear information
- All repair and overhaul jobs will come with 6 months or 10,000 km warranty whichever comes first

Our Services
Accident Repair
Be it a minor dent on the door, misaligned bumper or major chassis bending accident, we are able to handle the repair professionally as we are equipped with the most sophisticated body repair equipment.
Insurance Claims
Understanding and having vast experience in Motor Insurance Claims has helped our clients to recover their losses. We dispense realistic opinions to our clients with computable figures so that our clients can make a good decision out of a bad situation.
Air Conditioning
We are equipped with the latest Air Condition System Diagnostic Equipment and Air-Con Flushing/Charging Machine. Fully computerised to ensure your Air-Con system is set to the factory specification.
Automatic Transmission
We are equipped with Computer Scanners that is able to communicate with all types of Auto-Transmission in the market. Only with this Scanner will the Technicians be able to quickly and accurately diagnose the problem of the Auto-Transmission.
ECU Programming
We are the pioneer in this field for South East Asia and can handle one of the widest range of ECU models. We have attain developer level since 2006 and is still horning our skill daily so as to provide quality tunes and repairs of ECU.
Engine Maintenance
Is this the basic of the basics? Not at all! Periodic Maintenance is the most crucial of all for an engine. It saves you huge repair cost and reduce unnecessary down time, not to mention maintaining good driveability at all time.
Fuel Injector Pro Shop
This is a concept shop by us. It is being set up not only to serve our own clients but also to assist other Motor Workshops in solving the problem in this area. The subject is not very well known and mastered and thus not commonly seen in the market.
- General Servicing
- Air Conditioning Repair
- Fuel Injector Service
- Auto Trans Flush
- ECU Programming